Roy Winkelman

Five Characteristics of a Meaningful Learning Environment
- Active Learning: Engaging Students’ Minds
- Collaborative Learning: Building Knowledge in Community
- Constructive Learning: Making Connections
- Authentic Learning: Mirroring the Real World
- Goal-Directed Learning: Escape from the “Schoolwork Box”
Principles Underlying the TIM
- The Invisible Technology Integration Matrix
- Ownership of Learning with Technology
- Tech Exploration in the Classroom
- Eight Great Habits for Learning with Technology
- Cybersecurity Education and the TIM
- The TIM and Time Management
The TIM and Other Models
- ISTE Standards and the Technology Integration Matrix
- Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy and the Technology Integration Matrix
- TPACK and the Technology Integration Matrix
- Universal Design for Learning and the Technology Integration Matrix
- The SAMR Model and the Technology Integration Matrix
Professional Development and the TIM
- Introducing TIM to Your Teachers
- TIM PD Activity: Build a Matrix
- TIM PD Activity: Take It Up a Level
- Path Models and Technology Integration: A PD Cheat Sheet
- TIM Instructional Planning Model
- Nail Your Next Tech PD with the Quadrant Graph
- Flexibility and Unintended PD
- SIS IT Driver’s License
- PD Resources for Implementing the TIM in Your School or District
- Action Research as Professional Development
- Comfort and Confidence as Professional Development Goals
- Ultimate Teaching Device
- When Old Tech Is Better
TIM Tools: Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey
- Using TUPS Collection Frameworks
- How often should we administer the TUPS?
- Working with TUPS Data: The First Read-Through
- Using TUPS Data: Individual Items
- The Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey and Excel
TIM Tools: TIM Observation Tool
- 3 Things To Look for in Any Classroom Observation Protocol
- Ten Tips for TIM-O Observers
- Start with a Reflection
TIM Tools: TIM Coaching Tool
- Using the TIM-C Coaching Tool
- A Coaching/Mentoring Tool for All Subject Areas
- The Beauty of Failure in Coaching
TIM Tools: Survey Tool and ARTI
TIM Tools: Miscellaneous
- TIM Tools for Dissertation Research
- Using TIM Tools Data Analysis Templates
- EdTech Consultants, PD Providers, and Exercise Bicycles
- Rockin’ Roles in TIM Tools
- Customize Your TIM Tools Site
- Custom Banners for Your TIM Tools Instance
- Site Banner Customization in 7.0
- TIM Tools: Do I need a school or a district license?
- TIM Tools: What level of license do I need?
- Regional Agencies, Associations, Consultants, and Others Who Manage TIM Tools on Behalf of Others
- Using TIM Tools around the World
- TIM Tools in Higher Ed
- TIM Tools and Private Schools
- Admin Guide at Your Service
Background to the TIM
- Talking TIM: The Power of Changing the Language
- A Teenager in the House: TIM Turns 13!
- Harmes, J. C., Welsh, J. L., & Winkelman, R. J. (2016). A framework for defining and evaluating technology integration in the instruction of real-world skills. In S. Ferrara, Y. Rosen, & M. Tager (Eds.), Handbook of research on technology tools for real-world skill development (pp. 137-162). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Electronic version of the chapter available from publisher.
- Welsh, J., Harmes, J. C., & Winkelman, R. (2011). Florida’s technology integration matrix. Principal Leadership (2009), 12(2), 69. Electronic version available on the State Educational Technology Directors Association website.
Winkelman, R. J. (1990). Art education in the non-public schools of Pennsylvania, 1720-1870 (90-32395) [Doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
I am currently making portions of my dissertation available online for researchers and others interested in the history of art education. The 1980s blurry dot-matrix printing is difficult to scan and OCR, so it will be awhile before all 500+ pages are available online. I will add sections below as I complete them.
- Chapter 9: Art and Craft Instruction at the Bethlehem Female Seminary, 1742-1869. A case study of art instruction at one well-known girls’ school.
- Appendix A: Schools by County and City. Over 560 examples of art instruction in Pennsylvania prior to 1870.
- Appendix B: A Biographical Dictionary of Art Teachers in Pennsylvania, 1714-1870. Over 330 art teachers identified from school catalogues, newspaper advertisements, and other sources.
- Appendix C: Studies Offered in Female Seminaries, 1749-1871. Summary table of types of art instruction offered in 162 female seminaries reproduced from Thomas Woody’s History of Women’s Education in the United States.
- Appendix D: Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture Class Notes, Bethlehem Female Seminary, 1797. A schoolgirl’s handwritten notes on these topics.
- Appendix E: Examination, Bethlehem Female Seminary, 1801. Although identified as an “examination,” this is more of a script for a public performance. It closely follows the class notes from 1797 and textbook content.
- Appendix F: Art Materials Purchased for the Bethlehem Female Seminary, 1803–1867. These records include many familiar (and a few unfamiliar) drawing, painting, and craft supplies.
- Appendix G: Patterns, Copies, and Books Purchased for the Bethlehem Female Seminary, 1790-1840. These entries provide clues regarding the use of patterns, copies, and illustrated books in drawing, painting, and needlework instruction during this time period.
- Appendix H: Kummer Correspondence, 1827-1829. This private correspondence gives some insight into the practice of public examinations and the place of displayed artwork at such events.
- Appendix I: A Familiar Treatise on the Fine Arts, Josiah Holbrook, 1833. This table of contents indicates what painting and sculpture topics the author considered appropriate for young readers and students.
- Appendix J: An Epitome of the Arts, 1811. Architecture, painting, and sculpture summary from a student textbook.
- Appendix K: An Easy Introduction to the Arts, R. Turner, 1816. Architecture, painting, and sculpture lesson from the sixteenth edition of a popular textbook used in academies and female seminaries.
- Appendix L: A Text-Book on Penmanship, H. W. Ellsworth, 1862. A glimpse at aesthetic principles included in a penmanship student textbook.
- Appendix M: Elements of Criticism, John Frost, Ed., 1831. Excerpts from an abridgment of Elements of Criticism by Henry Home, Lord Kames prepared for use in American common schools and academies.
- Bibliography. Books, journals, newspapers, and school catalogues relevant to a study of art education in Pennsylvania prior to 1870.
- Colorizing ClipArt: Intro to Blending Modes
- Colorizing ClipArt: Using Gradient Maps
- Four Ways To Emphasize the Subject in Instructional Graphics
- Photo or Illustration?
- Using ClipArt ETC for Flyers and Newsletters
- Paper People for Your Preso
- Cutout People for Digital Narratives
- Converting Raster Clipart to Vector
- Signs for the Times: Repurposing ClipArt ETC traffic signs
- 4,000 Drop Caps: When and how to use FCIT’s drop cap collection in your documents
- Using Primary Sources from FCIT
- Creating “Historic” Postcards
- Hispanic Heritage iBooks
- Lots of Bots
- Presentation Backgrounds
- Seasons, Science, and Stevenson: The Bedtime Connection
- Shadow Puppets
- Arbor Day: 2,300 Photos and 1,800 Illustrations
- OBS Studio: Add Some Interest and Fun to Your Remote Teaching
- Basic Counting Resources
- November is Native American Heritage Month
- Reading Photos and Drawings
- Time, Change, and Maps
- Using DuckDuckGo !Bangs
- Florida Goes to War
- Using Political Cartoons in the Classroom
- Using Holocaust Memorial Photos
- Civil War Resource Collection
- From Many Lands: Multicultural Education through Miniatures
- Hidden Gem: 21,000 Digital Buttons
- In Their Shoes: Identifying with Historic Characters
- Historic Florida Maps and Google Earth
- Hidden Gem: Frank Leslie’s Civil War Engravings
- History in 3D: Using Stereoviews as Primary Sources in Your Classroom
- All Things Water
- Hidden Gem: Varsity Letters
- Barron, A. & Winkelman, R. (2001). A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust: An Online Resource. Social Education (Apr 2001), 65(3) p140-42. Electronic version available on the National Council for the Social Studies website.
Using Lit2Go
- How To Use Lit2Go Audiobooks in Your Classroom
- Five Reasons To Use Audiobooks for Remote Learning
- Frederick Douglass: A Voice for Our Time
- Lit2Go: The Soundtrack for Your Students’ Next Movie
- African-American Digital Content Collections
- Tales for All: The Lit2Go Folk & Fairy Tale Collection
- Spooky Stuff: Scary Tales from Lit2Go
- Autumn in Verse: Poetry from Lit2Go
- Winter Pictures and Poetry from Lit2Go
- Spring in Verse: Poetry from Lit2Go
- A Beatrix Potter Summer
- April: National Poetry Month
- 39 Recorded Speeches and the Reasons To Use Them with Your Students
- Happy Birthday, William Shakespeare!
Lit2Go Recommendations by Grade Level
- Lit2Go: Grade 4 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 5 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 6 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 7 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 8 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 9 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 10 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 11 Reading Activities for Home and School
- Lit2Go: Grade 12 Reading Activities for Home and School
- FCIT Photos as Writing Prompts
- O’Shaughnessy Dam
- Why Stripes?
- Bonsai – Art, Social Studies, Science
- What is this bird doing?
- A Story in Stone
- When Blurry’s Better
- Controlled Burn
- Asking Why?
- Guess Who?
- Two Libraries
- A Tree in Winter
- Council House at Mission San Luis de Apalachee
- NASA Mobile Quarantine Facility
- Espada Aqueduct
- Sunflowers
- Skew Arch Bridge
- The Great Outdoors
- All Eggs in One Basket
- Jefferson Memorial
- Boats on a Train?
- Icicles
- Fresnel Lens
- Chupadero Black-on-White Jar
- Reichstag Dome
- Everglades Shark Valley
- Basilica Cistern
- Dahlia
- Published photos. This links to over 15,000 photos I’ve published to the ClipPix website. About 20,000 more are in the pipeline.
- ClipArt ETC. Now over 70,000 high-quality illustrations for classroom use.
- ClipPix ETC. This stock photography site now has over 20,000 images.
- Exploring Florida. Our Florida History website is long in the tooth technically, but still has great content. It’s next on the hit list for a dynamic makeover.
- Lit2Go. The use of our audiobook collection is growing by leaps and bounds.
- Presentations ETC. Great source for presentation backgrounds and other bits and pieces.
- A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust. Many difficult visits to Europe represented here. Photos and VRs of concentration camps, extermination camps, and other places that can never be forgotten. We started this over 20 years ago. Would love to relaunch the site with modern technologies and increased resolution for all of the artifacts. Know of a grantor or foundation interested in such a project to support Holocaust Education?
- Technology Integration Matrix. The TIM is becoming the standard measure of technology integration in the classroom.
Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
Each year, I participate in a project that sends Christmas gift boxes to children ages 2 to 14 who may never have received a gift in their lives. To date, the project has delivered boxes to over 220 million children in more than 170 countries. There is a huge community of folks who participate and share ideas about packing the gift boxes. I’ve posted my own Operation Christmas Child page with suggestions and would love to hear from other OCC participants.
Domains for Sale
I’ve listed the following domains I no longer need on Afternic. These domains were previously used for Florida Technology Plan, Florida Standards, Florida Digital Educators, Florida Physical Education, Florida Common Core State Standards, OnMed Medical Training and Support, and South Carolina Standards websites. Please complete any purchases using the Afternic website rather than contacting me directly.
Roy Winkelman, PhD
Tampa, FL
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